I am an empathic desert dweller who loves art & design. I am all about creating branding & design that not only reaches your audience but also aligns with your soul. 



Design intensives






 Let’s Go

Let's collab for a whole day & create some magic!

vip design day!


Design Day Intensive

What to expect:

Imagine getting a ton done together in one whole day? You can now reserve a FULL intensive experience that is dedicated to design and design only.

7 hours of undivided work time

Directional moodboard

Ready to go files in an organized Google Drive folder

Design mock ups in action

work with me

vip design day

Price: 600 usd / 10,000 mx


Love working at a fast pace, are a real go-getter and appreciate a quick turnaround time

Want to complete a pending project quickly, efficiently and affordably!

Have a pretty clear idea and vision of what you want and need to add a designer's touch.

Enjoy researching and feeding your project with soul-aligned references.

VIP Day Projects 

Do not see your design project on here make sure to reach out below & we can review your design project & let you know if our design day service is right for your design needs. 


This will include 1 large graphic design with 2 -3 brand elements. We can apply the graphic on the following.  



stickers or patches


work with me


This will include 12 plug and play templates & 12 plug and play stories/ reel covers  that are cohesive to your branding 

work with me


This will include 1 - 2 print material depending on project  of your choosing. Examples will include, business cards  | Flyers | PDF Documents | Pitch Decks | Onboarding Documents.

work with me

// facts & questions

I have been a designer for 3 years now and the most important part of the design process is collaboration. We can do so much more together in a short period of time oppose to the drawn out process that other designs might provide. This allows the excitement and connection to be within that day.

Only a day to design?
How is that possible?  

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My signature process & strategy has it so that when I start for design day we are half way done. 🙂 The prep work & your homework is vital in the process. 
If there is a chance that we did not have a complete design by the time due to my work time we will schedule another day to finish. **I will not leave you with a design you do not like**.

What if I don’t like the design and the day is up?

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You can re-schedule your appointment 2 days in advance to another available date. Just go into your confirmation email and click re-schedule. You will only have one chance to re-schedule so pick a time that you will for sure be available for the morning and a zoom call in the evening.

What if I need to re-schedule? 

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During our design day you get unlimited amount of revisions. After the design date I will give you 1 round of revision if needed which needs to be turned in by the next day or you forfeit that round of revisions. 

If you do  need additional revisions outside the day & day after, there will be an additional charge. 

How many revisions do I get?

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It is dependent on the project, you will receive a PDF linked to see the breakdown and prep time for each projects I can complete in a day along with any questions regarding the concepts. Because of my process & prep requirement we will have a clear idea of the design direction the project will go. 

How many designs/ concepts will I get?

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You will receive a customized PDF after you book the VIP design day that will have what we need in order to start our day together. :) Along with access to a resource page.  All prep work is due at a day prior to our scheduled day together. If I don't receive a day prior we will need to re-schedule your design day for the first available date :)

What kind of prep work do I need to do? 

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Once you have successfully paid and secured your VIP Design experience, you will receive a confirmation email with an attached PDF containing essential prep work that must be completed before the day starts.


It’s here! We will meet up bright and early on Zoom or at my office at 10 am to review your design brief, go over the completed prep work and confirm the final directional moodboard for your project. From there, I will be working on your project until 4 pm. 

Head’s up! At around 1pm, we will reconnect via Zoom to check in on the design process and take the opportunity to make any necessary revisions. 


The last stop on our journey! It’s never goodbye, it’s hasta pronto. 
Once design is approved, we go ahead and send over all of the ready to go files, branding elements and requested deliverables. 

Special Reminder: Please note that if the project is not approved by the end of your design day, Hola Design Studio allows for a 24hr window to receive and implement final feedback. 

now offering mini design intensives 

Mini Design Workshop

What to expect:

This is a 90 min session in which you will have an expert design at your finger tips. This is service is tailored for your needs, I can help you with the following during our 90 min collaboration. 

vip design day

Price: 197 usd / 3500 mx

Moodboard Masterpiece: Craft a moodboard that inspire and guide your project's aesthetic.

Design Project Advice and Direction: I'll provide valuable insights and strategic design direction to steer your project toward success.

Workflow Wisdom: Planning on creating a DIY website! This is a great way to conduct a plan on what hosting programs to use, what is the best way to add workflows and what third party integrations to to sign up for. My expertise extends to advising on efficient workflow processes on your website.

work with me


Easy Peezy! Click the button below to fill out your design brief and we can start the process,.